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Homemade Delicious Unique Challah



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celebrate a special day

Celebrate your simcha with Challah!

Everyone looks forward to challah on Shabbat! Imagine how special to receive a unique and tasty challah to commemorate a special occasion - a birth, a birthday, a graduation, a bar/bat mitzvah, housewarming, engagement or wedding!

We specialise in simcha challot, as well as challot themed according to the weekly parasha (Torah reading).


We also make delicious 6 strand challot that can be personalised, or simply choose your favourite toppings!


You could also book challah braiding workshops for your family, colleagues or friends and shape your own beautiful and tasty challot to bake at home!

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Love Love Challah

I have been baking challah at home for 12 years but during corona, while stuck at home, I really worked hard to perfect my recipe and braiding techniques, and learn from some super talented challah bakers out there!

To enhance my own family's Shabbat experience I studied the weekly Torah portion and created challot themed to the parasha for two years! From there grew the idea to share my challot with the community so that they too could enjoy this experience, and be able to purchase my special challot for all sorts of occasions.

Feel free to contact me if you have any special requests

or questions!

Challot are made in a strictly kosher and clean kitchen, using pre-sieved flour. They are all parev unless stated otherwise.


Be sure to follow my Instagram account for updates, videos and lots of creative challah fun!

G-d tells Moses to instruct the Israelites, “When you eat of the bread of the Land, you shall set aside a gift for God. As the first of your kneading, you shall set aside a loaf (challah) as a gift… it is for G-d, throughout your generations”
(Numbers 15:19-21)

watch challah braiding videos

You can watch and learn from videos on my Instagram and on this site!

Let me know if you want any new tutorials!

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